Date: January 16, 2024

Tile Design: Navigating the Latest Trends in Interior Design Flooring

Tiles are the most underrated and obscure part of interior design. They are not praised or looked after much. Tiles surround our home and their walls, but we barely notice the details. They play a vital role in furnishing and improving your home. Tiles' beauty and ceramic grace bring life to your floors and splashback walls. You can only make a difference when you know different textures and styles of tiles.

In this blog, we will discuss the latest trends in tiles for interior design. We will examine the details to find the perfect fit for your custom home.

Tiles Design

Different styles and textures of tiles

When styling your flooring or walls, compare these factors to ensure the perfect match and the best results possible.

Textured Tiles

Textured Tiles

Textured tile designs are the most popular and have always been in fashion. Textured tiles provide a sleek look to your flooring without overwhelming the space. They give the room a subtle and contrasting feel and make it look more elegant. Textured tiles keep a neutral tone in contrast to the other elements that are in addition to the given space.

Glossy Tiles

Glossy Tiles

Famous in Australian homes, glossy tiles are among the sleekest, most textured, and most beautiful designs. They can add a dramatic look to your home space. Glossy tile designs are better for small areas like bathrooms or kitchen splashbacks. 

Concrete Tiles

Concrete Tiles

The industrial-style design of concrete tiles is also one of the timeless, bold textural designs. If the tile design is implemented and appropriately organised, it will leave anyone in awe. You can choose them for darker tones with a minimalist background.

Neutral Elegance

Neutral Tones like whites, greys, and beige remain popular for their timeless and elegant appeal. Adding these colours to the tiles is perfect if you want minimalism in your home space. The natural light and neutral contrast depict calmness and peace. You can also add dark neutrals to maintain a sophisticated environment. 

Earthy Hues

The comeback of natural and earthy tones such as terracotta, warm browns, and muted greens can be widely seen. These colours give a warm and welcoming feel to your space. By implementing these colours, your tiles will have a dramatic look. A closer step towards nature, these cosy colours bring out a comfortable atmosphere. 

Bold Statement

Rich blues and deep greens make an influentially bold statement that is gaining popularity. These vibrant and striking colours can be used in spaces where you want to create visual interest. Use bold colours as accent pieces to implement a valiant look. Tile designs are overlooked most of the time, and incorporating this will definitely get everybody’s attention.

Application Tips: Choosing the Right Tiles for Every Room

Choosing the proper tile design involves a lot of research and time to implement it with functionality. Whether it is renovating your kitchen, elevating your bathroom, or creating living spaces, here are some practical application tips to guide your tile choices:


The kitchen is the most messy area of your living space, and it becomes tiring to keep it clean constantly. It would be best to consider a durable, easy-to-clean tile design in the kitchen. While cooking or making any meals, it is natural for the counter to get stains and spills. For instance, porcelain and ceramic tile designs are the best choices. Implementing matte or textured finishes for a more refined look would be best.


The bathroom is yet another space that constantly gets spills and splashes, regardless of the times you clean it. Bathrooms need moisture-resistant tile design for their floors and walls. Similarly, it needs porcelain, ceramic, and natural stone tile designs that work well in humid environments. As the bathroom has a larger space and requires constant cleaning, implementing larger tiles with fewer grout lines creates a sleek, modern look and makes cleaning easier.

Living Room

A living room is a lively space called a high-traffic area. This specific area is mainly occupied, so it must be kept positive. Implement a warm aesthetic with wood-look tiles for an inviting ambience. If your living room connects to other areas, maintain flooring consistency for a seamless transition. Explore tile designs with textured finishes or rugs to add comfort elements. The living room, being the most-used space, will require proper cleaning. Ensure easy-to-clean tile finishes to minimise maintenance. While the living room is filled with other elements, you can also implement mosaic tiles and bold patterns to add character to your space.

Tile designs are one of the overlooked elements in your house, but now you can create your style and blend any required elements. This blog will help you thoroughly and provide the necessary help. Choose which tile design suits you and creates a better look in your entire space. If you want any further information, you can visit our page, @nexahomes.  

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Pros of a split level home
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An overview of the home building process
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Construction standards for bushfire prone areas
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Weatherproofing your home for summer
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How to purchase a house and land package
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The need for a Butler’s Pantry in your home design
The kitchen is widely regarded as the heart of the home. The development of the Butler's Pantry has established a new standard. They are essentially a little kitchen within your kitchen, hidden behind a wall or door yet providing easy access to everything. They also provide plenty of storage space for groceries, serving ware, and […]
What is Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessment?
Does your property come under the bushfire zone? Don’t worry technology advancements and methodologies have now resulted in the safe construction of homes in bushfire prone areas. The level of risk is the only thing that has to be determined before you build in a bushfire prone area. It is done by the BAL assessment. […]
Downsizing your home - Build your house from Custom Home builder
Are you considering downsizing your house? More isn't necessarily great when it comes to residences. There are several reasons that people choose to downsize — one might need to be pretty close to his\her family members, someone else may perhaps have to consider about their living situation due to an unexpected lifestyle change while, you […]
Maximising the space in a narrow lot
A narrow lot does not always imply a smaller lot. In reality, a narrow lot is far more than you could have thought. First of all you can cut down the cost to build a new home. Narrow land parcels offer the potential to accommodate a big family. The only thing that counts is how […]
Steps to: Knockdown rebuild
Why knock down and rebuild? If you want to live in a new home without sacrificing the location, a knock down rebuild is an ideal alternative. It lets you construct your home in the manner you desire, giving you complete control over your selections. The knockdown rebuilding process consists of a few significant steps outlined below. […]
The effect of locality on your property
When it comes to building a new home, location is everything. The outside of the property you intend to purchase has a direct influence on your property. Although the atmosphere cannot be controlled or tailored to your specifications, it is still an important consideration to evaluate when purchasing a property. Aesthetic appeal Setting up a […]
How do you construct a sustainable home?
Constructing a sustainable house involves helping to improve the environment. But it isn't all. Eco-friendly house design may reduce the cost of operating your home by conserving energy, water, and system and appliance maintenance. When it comes to creating a sustainable house, there is a lot to think about, from perspective to construction supplies and […]
How to build a perfect alfresco?
A polished alfresco area, built with excellent timber and coated to resist weather damage, can add value and appeal to your house while allowing you to enjoy the fresh air. You'll be having barbeques every weekend and spending hours upon hours in the warm summer if you have an outdoor kitchen with attractive furnishings. Here […]
Buying your first home
Without a question, a first house is the most significant purchase you will ever make. It is a long process from having a desire of buying a home and going out to locate the finest builder to make your dream a reality. It may appear to be merely bricks and walls, but it has a […]
Custom Home Builder
Reasons to choose a custom house builder There are several distinctions between a project/developer house builder and a bespoke home builder. These days, project house builders often take on customised construction projects. Nexa Homes goes a step above to guarantee that the home is appropriate for your lot. We allow customisation at every node, from […]
Home buying tips for the newbie
Once you have planned the foundation of your new home, you should make the next move strategically. A well planned move will save you thousands of dollars. Here are a few tips to make the next move strategically. Negotiation Don’t step back or move ahead without negotiating with your builder. Negotiation is truly based on […]
Lighting tips for every room of your house
Choosing the finest lighting when you build a home is essential for creating the right mood in each space. Lighting is essential to establishing the tone, whether it's generating a warm-toned ambiance in the living room or having enough down-lights in the kitchen when cooking for the family. Entrance This is the first room you […]
Why are buyers interested in new building projects?
New residential houses are becoming increasingly popular, with several Australians preferring to buy a new house rather than relocate to an old one. While you're on the hunt for a new house, you might want to explore the top five reasons why building a new home is preferable to buying an existing property. Superior value for money […]
What does a new home bring to you?
A custom build house is a fresh start and unquestionably the roll of the dice that delivers you a bundle of joy. It's finally time to begin experiencing your ideal house now that it's become a reality. The first homeowner experience is a rush of excitement, from customizing your house to witnessing your household develop, […]
6 backyard pool ideas on a budget
Deciding to install a pool in your house is thrilling for a variety of reasons. The excitement of being able to enjoy that pleasant, chill water in hot weather takes you to the next level. There's also the extra excitement of the creative effort put into it, as well as the opportunity to imagine and […]
Minimum requirements for buying a house
Mortgage loan for a new house Stepping out from the rental system is a significant accomplishment that many individuals strive towards. You'll be in a far better position to construct the home of your dreams with some savvy financial actions like the First Home Owners Grant (FHOG), and substantial savings. At Nexa Homes, we realise […]
Some common mistakes to avoid when designing a floor plan
Any mistakes after you have approved the floor plan may be complex and expensive to live with eventually, so after you obtain the plans, it is critical to study them alone as well as with your house builder. Need for extra space There is never enough storage. You'll need everything your novels, old Albums, sports […]
How to benefit from split level living?
Finding the ideal home for your plot of land is a difficult task. The time, effort, and money required to level out your property in order to develop your residence can be a burden of itself. With that in mind, we've compiled some information to show you why split level living may be the perfect […]
Tips to create a beautiful alfresco area
Outdoor recreation is increasingly becoming a requirement in many households. Being able to relax in comfort on a hot summer day is a luxury that a growing number of people seek. An alfresco area shields your home from the elements, doubles as a kitchen, and enhances your living space. Top home builders suggest people to […]
Creating a landscape for your new home
Your new home is complete, and now it's time to concentrate on landscaping your yard. Remember that the environment around your home is just as essential as what is within. When it comes time to sell, a well-landscaped front and backyard may add a lot of value to your home. It can also bring colour, […]
How do I integrate environmentally friendly design into my residence?
More than simply a fad, sustainable design is quickly becoming the future of many Australian houses, and rightly so. Sustainable design, building materials, and processes are critical to the overall efficiency of your house, but there are additional factors to consider when designing the specifics. Solar passive design To build home that is more efficient […]
The important features of a sustainable house
Constructing a sustainable house involves helping to improve the environment. But it isn't all. Eco-friendly house design may reduce the cost of operating your home by conserving energy, water, and system and appliance maintenance. When it comes to creating a sustainable house, there is a lot to think about, from perspective to construction supplies and […]
The residence's purpose Are you constructing a granny apartment to expand your family's living space? The goal of construction influences how you decide on the size and quality of the project, which might affect the amount you are anticipated to pay. Whether your goal for creating an outdoor granny is to raise the value of […]
What exactly is a CDC? Complying development is a quick approval procedure for basic residential, commercial, and industrial development that is established by your council or an approved private certifier. A CDC rigorously adheres to the NSW government's requirements and rules, and failing to satisfy even one of them will result in denial. The approval […]
YOU ARE IN COMMAND One of the most significant benefits of creating a custom house is that you have a say in every stage of the construction process. You have the option of customising everything in your new house, including excellent appliances, floor coverings, fixtures, and custom cabinets. Install as many floor-to-ceiling windows as you […]
TAKE A LOOK AROUND One of the greatest methods to acquire ideas for how to design your house as a homeowner is to look at what others have done. Visit retail design centres, home accessory shops, and furniture stores on a regular basis, and pick up decorating publications to learn about colour combinations and design […]
Purchasing your first house may be a stressful undertaking; while exciting, it is fraught with complications. Purchasing a house is one of the most significant expenditures you will make. A poor study, on the other hand, will result in a poor buy. There are some basic blunders that all house purchasers make when they do […]
An outdoor Christmas is uniquely Australian, with everything from home barbecues to festive garden parties. While an alfresco Christmas party may appear to be uncomplicated and simple, it still requires some planning and preparation to pull off a festive feast outside. The key to a great Christmas outside is to keep it simple, from preparing […]
Best Architectural Sydney - Modernise your home in three simple upgrades
Give your house a modern new appearance without breaking the budget or searching a home builder. These three simple, low-cost upgrades can transform it from antiquated to dashing. CABINET REFINISHING AND REFRESHING The appearance of your home's kitchen and bathrooms may reveal a lot about its age. Try this if you have dirty cabinetry, blatantly […]
All we need is ornaments, decorations, and lights to fly high with the festive atmosphere and gorgeous moment. Decorating your home for Christmas is more difficult than it appears, especially if you strive for perfection at every node. If you believe that your house is the ideal place to enjoy this Christmas and that the […]
DIY Christmas Baubles Ideas
Christmas baubles are ornaments that are typically used to adorn a Christmas tree. The baubles come in a variety of designs; some are woven, while others are made of glass or plastic and blown. Baubles were designed with a deeper symbolic connotation in mind. The habit of hanging fruit from trees in Rome inspired the […]
What are the benefits of planning for a corner block house designs
Have you discovered a home interior that you like and is also best suited to a corner lot? Or maybe you've located the block but not the ideal floor plan yet. Don't worry; there are numerous advantages to developing on a corner lot, especially when you work with Nexa Homes. A CORNER BLOCK IS PERFECT […]
Because first impressions are essential, selecting the correct façade for your house is critical. A beautiful façade not only increases the value of a property, but it also sets the tone for the whole inside. If your property is in a very lush and green setting, make sure the colours you chose will not clash. […]
You've definitely put a lot of effort into adorning the inside of your home with vegetation and house plants, whether you've just moved in and are about to get the keys. After all, you want your new area to have its own identity. Have you considered how you'll landscape your rear and front yard, though? […]
Dual occupancy home designs became popular in the earlier years and have come back as a modular statement. These occupances were made to seem like a single-family house. Dual residence is divided into two types: attached and detached. Attached dual occupancies are two residences attached to each other on one piece of land, whereas detached […]
What should I do now? You're not alone if you're thinking about this. With so many different cities, suburbs, and villages to choose from, picking where to live can be difficult. Once you've agreed on a general region and/or a list of suitable cities to relocate to, ask yourself the following questions. IS IT POSSIBLE […]
Riverstone is a historic neighbourhood, located in Sydney's west and 48 kilometres from the CBD, is rich in history. The little agricultural town was founded in 1803 as a government stock farm and is one of Australia's oldest. Until the start of the 20th century, Riverstone was a little country town. While the township is […]
Home gardeners all around the country are demonstrating that they can raise an incredible number of nutritious and delicious vegetables in their own backyards. As a result, they exclusively shop in the produce department of the supermarket to augment their fresh meals. The main incentive to cultivate your own veggies is that you have complete […]
The curb appeal of your home is influenced by a variety of things, one of which is the condition of your roof. The outside look of a home is important because it makes it pleasant and welcoming to others. This is why your roof should be designed not simply to endure the elements, but also […]
With a typical property price of $3.1 million, the suburb of Box Hill is currently among Australia's top ten most expensive suburbs. In the month of July, the net increased from $2.15 to $3.1. Around 9600 new homes are being built in Box Hill, which will accommodate around 30,000 people, according to reports. This will […]
When it comes to flooring, whether you're building a home or remodelling, there's a lot to think about. Both utility and style are vital factors to consider, and striking the right balance is crucial. What is the best flooring option? Every house is unique! A few crucial considerations determine which flooring is best for your […]
One thing to think about while creating your new house is the style of window treatment you want. Your windows will influence your room just as much as your flooring and wall colour. When it comes to window coverings, many homeowners are looking for three things: seclusion, framing a view, and insulation, in addition to […]
Your home must be snug and comfy in order to provide you with the maximum level of relaxation. The elements of an ideal home vary from person to person, just as comfort means different things to different people. However, there are a few essential characteristics of a home that are universal. So what is an […]
In Australia, bushfires are very common. Bushfires produce more heat and might persist for several days. Many of Australia's native flora rapidly catch fire and contribute to massive devastation. Bushfires of Australia have played a key impact on the decreased number of animals. The 2020 bushfires in Australia claimed the lives of billions of animals. […]
Kellyville, in the Shire of Baulkham Hills, is about 35 kilometres northwest of Sydney's CBD. Kellyville was first known as 'There and Nowhere,' then 'Irish Town,' due to the great number of Irish residents in the area. Hugh Kelly, a convict, arrived in May 1803; married his older widowed Mistress Mary Evans, and opened a […]
Make a Budget Plan. Begin thinking about your budget as soon as you decide to build your home. You should plan a realistic estimate of how much your new home will cost. The budgeting stage is all about matching your desires with a realistic evaluation of your financial situation. The estimation process is the same, […]
Land Determining the correct piece of land is essential to the purchase and construction of any house. It will eventually decide the property's final sale price, and it will be important to the property owner’s convenience in terms of accessing surrounding amenities. Choosing the correct piece of property might save you thousands of dollars in […]
An alfresco is a linked open space that extends outside the house. Although the alfresco may be utilised for a variety of functions, why should it be included in every plan? Ample amount of Light One of the biggest reasons to incorporate an alfresco in your design is that it enables an abundance of light […]
Have you had a case of the winter blues? There's nothing warm and inviting than a fireplace in your new residence, a place where the entire family can gather to be cosy and comfortable throughout the cooler months, and we've got some advice on where to put one, the benefits of having one, as well […]
Home and land packages are progressively becoming the take option for first-time homebuyers as more property investment opportunities emerge around the country. There's a justification why home and land packages are being snapped up, whether you're a new family, alone, or a first-time buyer looking to diversify your portfolio. What is the distinction between a […]
Because first impressions are crucial, selecting the ideal façade for your new house is crucial. An enticing façade sets the tone for the home's overall aesthetic while also blending in with the lush greenery and surroundings. If you're having trouble deciding on a façade, we've got some advice to help you pick the one you'll […]
A focal point or standout piece is one of the most essential aspects in home decor. It should be the first thing you look at when you walk into a room if done right. Mastering the art of creating a central focus in your living area may transform your house. Here are six easy ways […]
20 years ago, we made our first venture into the construction industry. When we started, we knew we had a long way to go, and now as we look back after all these years, we can see that we have transformed the lives of countless families with beautiful, comfortable, and happy homes. From We to […]
The most remarkable development in the history of kitchens is the flow of purpose and the location of the kitchen premise in the house arrangement. Kitchens have evolved from a strictly practical area located at the back of the house or beneath all the other rooms on the underground level. Today it is an appealing […]
One of the most often utilised surfaces in the house is the kitchen countertop.  Being custom home builders in Australia, we recognise the significance of selecting the best kitchen counter. Just like you, our hunt for your family's needs and lifestyle continues. We researched the top kitchen counter materials to assist you in selecting the […]
When it comes to house design, you should pick a floor plan that meets your family's demands today and in the future. There are factors to consider, ranging from taste preferences and lifestyle requirements to block size and budget. A single-story and a two storey modern house design is a long-standing dispute in real estate […]
Every year, hundreds of thousands of immigrants flock to Australia's largest metropolis, which continues to expand faster than the calculated average. Everyone seems to want to call Sydney home, Either it is because of the Harbour Bridge or the lovely Bondi Beaches. Friendly people all around People in many major cities have the perception that […]
For many house purchasers, the prospect of building a new home is intimidating. Knowing all the ins and outs of the process can be challenging if you go through it a few times in your life. Let’s have a look at small things that get forgotten when building a house. 1. Calculate before borrowing You […]
While some people may have earlier felt constricted at the prospect of purchasing and residing on a narrow or limited piece of land, the fact is that it can be a fantastic investment for a variety of reasons. You might be surprised to know that a narrow home design can be both functional and inexpensive. […]
Safety is a must at all phases, whether you have planned to build a home or have already built one. However, some safety precautions should be followed during the construction of the property so that you do not have to demolish the lovely home design afterward. The kitchen, bathrooms, and stairs are the primary areas that require […]
Constructing a dream house on a sloping block is an exciting chance to capture the breathtaking vistas, and the uniqueness of an uneven site necessitates careful consideration of your home's design to maximize the site's full potential. It's critical to comprehend some of the construction problems that come with sloping land. Working with a competent […]
A duplex is basically two homes constructed on the same block that share a shared wall but have distinct, individual entranceways. While they may share a roof, each residence in a duplex is treated as a separate entity for all practical reasons. After subdivision, the two units might either share a single land title or […]
What is the need to see a custom home builder before buying the land?
The most important piece of advice we can give to anyone considering building a custom home on their own property is to speak with a builder before purchasing land. Buying land without consulting with a builder may result in complications later on. Due to landscape design, mobility prerequisites and availability, drainage, suburb regulatory compliances, site […]
A complete guideline to custom home building
A custom home is substantially more difficult to construct. It's a significant undertaking that will take a significant amount of your time, effort, and, of course, money. A truly bespoke home necessitates much pre-planning and active participation on your side. From choosing your dream location to defining, planning, and building your dream home, it entails […]
You must select a proper builder to construct your dream house with the best home designs. When it comes to creating the home of your dreams, find a local builder. A builder is frequently considered for large-scale projects on vast swaths of land, whereas a small builder's sole goal is client contentment. Having stated that, […]
Cool Ideas to Consider When You Build a Home
Building in-house is an exciting process! Sure, there are a lot of decisions to be made, but this gives you the opportunity to add new home amenities that will make your life more convenient, comfortable, and enjoyable. One of the best things about building in-home, really considering extra bits that really make it yours. This […]
5 Steps To Building A Dream Home
Building a custom home is, quite literally, making a dream come true. The main benefit to custom home building is that you have complete control over the design and select nearly every single element that comprises your home. The custom home building process so many things to consider, you may be a little confused about […]
5 Tips For Picking The Perfect Land To Build Your Dream Home
You are doing it! It's time to take on your biggest dream project: building your own home. Then, You journey outside to discover that your picture-perfect home is also situated on the perfect plot of land that you hand-picked. Unfortunately, reality set in, finding a plot of land to build your dream house on is […]

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Photographs on this web page may depict fixtures, finishes and features not supplied by Nexa Homes such as landscaping and swimming pools. Accordingly, any prices on this web page do not include the supply of any of those items. For detailed home pricing, please talk to a New Home Advisor. 
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